About Us


Dear Parents and Students,

“Gratitude is the song of the heart.” is one of my favourite sentences and attitude.

Gratefulness creates a positive attitude towards life and opens a joyful way to find God even in small things.
Gratitude can change our lives because it makes us appreciate what we have rather than what we don’t have. Gratitude can change our lives because it is the single most powerful source of inspiration that any person can tap into if we just stop and pay attention to the simple beauty and miracle of life.
Having gratitude can change our lives because it breathes positivity into everything we are doing. It’s a monumental shift in focus, a new way of seeing things, one that involves a wild-eyed appreciation for the beauty of all things.
In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, sleep better, improve their health, deal with adversity, express more compassion and kindness and build strong relationships and even have a stronger immune system.
Gratitude is to pause to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family and even computer access. It’s taking a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are when something good happens – whether it’s a small or a big thing.
Gratitude is a skill that is well worth cultivating, a skill we need.
Therefore dear students, let us live in an attitude of gratitude even in the small things of life.

Thank you,
Sr. Deepa CJ

  • St. Mary’s High School follows the National Curriculum of Nepal from Grade 1 to Grade 10. At the end of grade 10 the students sit for their Secondary Education Examination (SEE), which is conducted nationwide by the Ministry of Education, Office of the Controller of Examination, Nepal. The subjects offered by the school are: Nepali, English, Comp Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health Population & Environment Education, Optional Mathematics or English
  • After the SEE, the students can follow either of the two courses: Grades 11 and 12 (Science) syllabus of NEB Nepal, which is a two year course. In grade 11, the Subjects offered in Science are: Compulsory English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and in grade 12 they are Compulsory Nepali, Compulsory English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics.
  • HSEB of Nepal administers the final examinations annually in May/June. To pass HSEB Exams students need to pass in 5 subjects each in Grade 11 and Grade 12.

St. Mary’s High School, Kathmandu runs classes from Grade 1 to Grade 12. Grade 1 to 10 has 4 sections.

Grade 11 and 12 has 10 sections (Science 4 sections, Management4 sections and Humanities 2 sections). The total strength of the school is approximately 2880.


The course of studies pursuedis as laid down in the SLC and plus two examinations. The school follows the national education system. The school follows the School Leaving Certificate (S.L.C.) curriculum for Grade Ten. The performance in the SLC examinations by the students of St. Mary's High School has over the years been excellent.

Promotion and Evaluation

  • Promotions are guaranteed on the basis of the whole year performance: hence the importance of regularity, punctuality, and performance in the examinations is a must.
  • Final Examination will be a comprehensive evaluation covering the whole year performance.
  • To be promoted, a minimum of 40% (classes 1- 9) in all the subjects is required. The final result consists of the average of the three terms.
  • Keeping the above requirements in consideration, the student’s behaviour and progress are taken into consideration for promotion.
  • A student is allowed to repeat only once during her schooling.
  • A student who is repeating must maintain above 40% marks in all subjects in all the exams.
  • It will not be possible to reconsider the results declared or to hold a re-test.
  • If a student remains absent during the exam, the school is not responsible for a retest.

Mission and Vision

We, the Mary ward women in the education ministry, keeping Jesus as our model, aim at forming fearless and vibrant citizen, who are able to face the challenges of life. 

Believing that education is a powerful agent of social transformation, we move towards the empowerment of women and formation of students inculcating in them a sense of justice, religious tolerance, compassion and love. 

Making them aware of the value system of the world in which they live in, they are enabled to analyse it critically and make responsible decisions for themselves. 

They are led to appreciate God's creation, value life, human dignity and potential and thus to pursue fullness of life.

Teaching and learning can become inherently spontaneous and student-centered when moved from the confines of the classroom into the world at large. From the collaborative learning atmosphere that results from the unique relationships developed outside the classroom, to the deep learning that occurs when students must put into practice “in the real world” what they have theorized about from behind a desk, field experiences are unmatched in their learning potential. Field experiences early in a student’s career can be formative and can inspire students to continue in a field. St Mary’s High School believes in teaching outside the classroom and organizes various activities. Some of the regular activities are;

  1. Field Trips
  2. Educational Visits
  3. Community service/Social Service
  4. MUN
  5. FOZ
  6. SQC

Rules and Regulation

  • At the first warning bell, all must get into their class lines immediately, for the Assembly. Students are expected to obey the Captains appointed by the school.
  • Strict regularity and punctuality, implicit obedience, courtesy in words and deeds, cleanliness in dress and person and proper care of books and school properly are expected from every student.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual lack of interest in school work, stealing. Misconduct even outside the school premises, willful repeated breaches of school regulations are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the student from school.
  • Students are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behavior outside. Any report of objectionable conduct on the part of any student will make her liable for disciplinary action. Hence, misbehavior in public, streets and bus is liable to the same action.
  • The Principal in the interest of the school and without assigning any reason, may ask a Parent/ Guardian to withdraw the student, should her conduct, behavior or influence, be in any way detrimental to the common good of the school and its smooth running.
  • All students are required to wear the school uniform. Neatness in dress and person should be cultivated by each student. Long nails, nail polish, jewellery or the bringing of expensive articles to school is strictly prohibited.
  • All should be particularly careful not to throw paper or other waste materials anywhere in the school premises. They should use the waste paper baskets and bins provided for this purpose.
  • No books other than what is prescribed, periodicals, transistors, calculators, cell phone etc may be brought into the school without the explicit permission of the Principal. Students may not exchange library books without the permission of the Librarian. Nothing should be written in the library books and dog

ASMAN (Association of St. Mary's Alumnae Nepal) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization devoted to the cause of aiding and supporting underprivileged Nepali women and children since 1990.

ASMAN's work and commitment encompasses support in the areas of health, education, environment, cultural awareness and development. The Association brings together former students of St. Mary's High School, the most prestigious girls' school in the country.


Sister Organizations

St. Mary’sHigh School was established in Kathmandu in 1955. It has sister organizations all over the country. Mary Ward School in Jhamsikhelruns classes from grade one through grade ten. Similarly, it runs schools in Pokhara, Lubhu, Jhapa and Biratnagar. St. Mary’s School runs classes from grade one through grade twelve.